Tuesday 3 September 2013

Brain Cancer Symptoms to Watch Out For

Brain cancer, also known as intracranial tumor, refers to a type of the disease caused by the growth of a tumor in the brain. There is another type of brain tumor caused by a tumor that originates from other parts of the body but metastases into the brain. Among all types of the disease, that of the brain can be hard to diagnose because its symptoms can very in every case and in every stage of the disease. Only a specialist from a cancer hospital can accurately and quickly diagnose the disease and identify the best course of treatment for each patient.

Confusing Brain Cancer Symptoms

The earliest of all symptoms is a headache. However, since people suffer from headaches frequently and headaches can be caused by several different factors, people who experience it as a symptom of the disease usually do not seek medical attention. What is unique, however, about a headache caused by the disease is when it occurs in the early hours of the morning, usually at 4 or 5 in the morning. The headache can awaken the patient even when he or she is in deep sleep. The deeper their sleep had been, the more severe the headache will be. Then gradually, the headache will disappear at around 8 or 9 in the morning as the person gets up and begins activity. If a series of continuous headaches follow this pattern, there is a possibility that there is an underlying disease.

The other symptom- vomiting - is also common and can be associated with several other factors. Usually vomiting is linked to gastric diseases, which can lead inexperienced doctors to diagnose the disease incorrectly. However, specialists are more equipped and experienced in identifying and differentiating brain cancer symptoms from symptoms of other diseases. Vomiting caused by an underlying disease is not accompanied by stomach upsets or distension, nausea, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. It also does not occur after a meal. Instead, it usually occurs suddenly and oftentimes, just after a headache passes. There is a scientific reason behind this: the increased intracranial pressure caused by the headache stimulates the vomiting centre of the medulla.

The Telltale Signs of the Disease

There are also some more telltale brain cancer symptoms that are easier to diagnose. However, these do not occur in all cases. These include abrupt twitching, single exophthalmos, deafness in one ear, lowered eye vision, diplopia, hemiplegia, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, and lack of body balance.

Specialists from a cancer hospital can help patients identify the best treatment plan for them and can help them manage their brain cancer symptoms.

Diseases of the Pleura III - Tumors of the Pleura and Pneumothorax

Primary tumour (mesothelioma) is rare, whereas secondary tumours are common. Mesothelioma may be benign or more commonly malignant. Pleural malignancy is more common in persons chronically exposed to asbestos. Secondary tumours arise from carcinomas of the bronchus, stomach liver and other structures. Malignant lesions in the pleura give rise to hemorrhagic Pleural effusion.

Presence of air in the Pleural cavity is known as Pneumothorax. Pneumothorax may be spontaneous, traumatic, and iatrogenic (artificial). Another classification is to divide them into open, closed, and valvular pneumothorax (tension pneumothorax). In open penumothorax there is a free rent on the surface of the lung through which air gets in and out of the pleural cavity during inspiration and expiration. In closed Pneumothorax, the Pleura does not communicate with the exterior. In tension Pneumothorax, there is a valvular slit on the surface of the lung through which air enters the pleural cavity, but does not escape. As a result, tension Pneumothorax develops leading to respiratory and Cardiac embarrassment.

Spontaneous Pneumothorax: This result from rupture of a pulmonary lesion leading to escape of air into the pleura. Subpleural blebs or bullae, pulmonary tuberculosis, congenital cystic disease of the bronchi, chronic bronchitis with emphysema, bronchial asthma, Pneumoconiosis and Staphylococcal Pneumonia are the common medical causes. Fracture of a rib, thoracotomy, puncture of the lung at needle biopsy, and rupture of a bronchus are the common surgical causes. Sometimes Pneumothorax is produced artificially fo diagnostic radiology of the lungs or as a therapy to arrest massive nehoptysis. The lung collapses towards the hilium, when air enters the pleura and abolishes the negative pressure.

Clinical features: Onset is with unilateral pleuritis pain and dyspnea. A feeling of something having given way is complained of by many, Shortness of breath and unproductive cough develop soon. In tension Pneumothorax respiratory embarrassment and cyanosis may be evident. The affected side is prominent and it does not move with respiration. Mid-line tructures are shifted to the opposite side. Percussion note is hyper-resonant. Breath sounds are absent in many cases. If air enters the pleural cavity as in tension Pneumothorax and open Pneumothorax amphoric breath sounds may be heard. A special percussion phenomenon is 'coin sound'. A coin kept firmly ove the front of the chest wall is struck with another coin. Auscultation at the back of the chest reveals a metallic note. Adventitous sounds like clicking sounds synchronous with the heart beat may be heard in a left-sided Pneumothorax. Differential diagnosis of Pneumothorax includes other painful conditions associated with dyspnea such as myocardial infarction and pulmonary infarction. Severe emphysema, large bullae and diaphragmatic hernia may cause problems in diagnosis.

Radiological features: The radiological features are diagnostic in a well developed case. The affected side is hypertranslucent due to the collection of free air in the Pleural cavity and absence of normal lung markings. The outer margin of the collapsed Lung is seen as a sharp margin against the background of air. There is shift of the Trachea and mediastinum to the opposite side. Skiagram should be taken in the erect posture so that even small collections of air will not be missed.

Complications: Though in the majority of cases, spontaneous Pneumothorax is uncomplicated, serious complications may develop in some cases. These are:
1. Severe Cardio-respiratory embarrassment due to compression of the normal lung by the displaced mediastinum in cases of tension pneumothorax
2. air embolism
3. surgical emphysema
4. infection of the pleural cavity resulting in the formation of hydro-or pyo-pneumothorax;
5. Penumothorax on the opposite side from pre-existing disease of the lung; and 
6. failure of expansion of the collapsed lung.

When both air and fluid are present in the pleural cavity, it is known as hydropneumothorax. This is usually the result of rupture of a pulmonary lesion letting in air and exudates into the pleural cavity. In many cases, it is caused by tuberculosis. Other causes include lung abscess, bronchiectasis, bronchogenic carcinoma, and trauma to the Chest. Some cases of Pneumothorax get converted into hydro-Pneumothorax when effusion develops as a result of infection.

In hydro-pneumothorax, a horizontal upper level of dullness cause by the fluid can be demonstrated which shifts when the pateint is made to adopt different positions (shifting dullness). On shaking the patient gently while auscultating on the air-fluid interphase, a succussion splash is heard. Chest readiograph reveals a horizontal upper level of fluid with the findings of Pneumothorax above it.

Management of Pneumothorax
Small closed Pneumothorax which is not severely symptomatic can be left alone with bed rest and analgesics. Since the air will be absorbed within a few days. Tension pneumothorax may present as a life-threatening emergency. Unless the tension is relieved by letting out the air, the patient may die of Cardio-respiratory failure.

Emergency management: The air is let out by inserting a needle into the second intercostal scae 2-3cm outside the lateral border of the sternum and it is connected to a rubber tube which is led under water, to prevent re-entry of air (underwater seal). This procedure may have to be instituted even outside the hospital at times. Frequently, the needle tends to get blocked and the intrapleural pressure goes up. Injury to the Lung surface, bleeding into the pleura, infection and surgical emphysema are other adverse side effects. When the Pneumothorax reaccumulates due to blockages of the needle, it may be replaced by a wider rubber catheter. After removing the patient to a hospital, the ideal procedure is to establish drainage of the pleura by a rubber tubing connected to an underwater seal. The tube may have to be kept in place for a few days or weeks. Antibiotics are given to prevent secondary infection of the Pleura. Any obvious underlying condition is treated with specific drugs. Recovery of pulmonary function is facilitated by starting physiotherapy at an early stage. If the Lungs fail to expand with removal of the air, suction of the Pleural cavity may help. Surgical repair of the pleural surface may be required in intractable cases.

Monday 2 September 2013

A Brain Tumor Treatment Process

There are many dangerous diseases in the world. Such as Aids, Blood Cancer, Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer etc. Brain Tumor is one of them. It is a vital disease for human brain. It can be either malignant or benign kind of its type. It is an irregular and uncontrolled activity of a brain cell that usual occurs into the brain, even metastasize, cranial nerves, and pineal glands brain covers in other organs.

A Client who will feel medical care for brain tumor generally takes steroids and drugs to alleviate the edema and pain. Anticonvulsant medication is regularly given to clients for avoid convulsion. The cerebrospinal fluid has to be drained applying a shunt if clients are suffering from hydrocephalus.

The brain tumor treatment generally includes chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. However, the treatment will change dependent on various factors include such as tumor's type, size, location, age of a client and overall health situation. The treatment process and the program for children and adults usually vary.

There are many treatment processes for brain tumor in the world. Radiation oncology is the best treatment process for brain tumor. A damage brain cell is being stopped from rising by the treat of radiation. This method is generally used after surgery in which there are still remaining cancer cells that were not able to eliminate during surgery. A client generally thinks for this method when it is impossible already to have an operation done.

There are two processes in providing radiation therapy. First process is implanting radiation therapy and second process is external radiation therapy. Implant radiation therapies in which radioactive substance are put straight to the infected area. This radioactive substance may be permanent or temporary dependent on substance used. For second process, large machine is used.

Operation is the general method for brain tumor treatment. A neurosurgeon can operation this tumor. Surgeon can also remove damage brain cell from brain by skull opening. This method name is the craniotomy.

When the surgeon cannot remove cancer cells into the brain by use radiation therapy or operation that time third process is used for the client. The third process is chemotherapy. A physician uses multiple drugs or a single drug for this method. The drug is given to the client by injected or orally in the blood streams or muscle. This method name is intrathecal chemotherapy.

Symptoms of a Real Brain Tumor

The symptoms of a brain tumor are often similar to many other diseases. While experiencing these symptoms are not cause for alarm, you should have them checked by a doctor. The symptoms of a brain tumor can easily be mistaken for any number of diseases. Early detection is your best chance for survival.


Headaches are the most common initial symptom. Generally, brain tumor headaches start out the worse in the morning, getting better as the day continues. They can sometimes be so painful that they rouse a person from sleep. After wakening, the person may vomit and then feel better. Headaches often worsen with exercise, coughing, with a change in position from kneeling or bending. These headaches typically don't respond to the usual headache remedies.

Not that a headache is by any means conclusive of brain cancer. Talk to your doctor. It may be the kids driving you crazy. It may be something more serious. Have it checked out to be safe.

Mental or Other Personality Changes

You may experience problems with memory, especially short term memory, speech, communication or have concentration issues. You may face severe intellectual problems that are followed by dull confusion. You may experience changes in behavior, temperament and personality, depending on the location of the tumor.


About 1/3 of those carrying brain tumors don't even realize it until they've had a seizure, a very common symptom of a brain tumor. They are caused by an interrupted flow of electricity to the brain, causing convulsions, unusual sensations and possible loss of consciousness. You may also experience focal seizures, such as a brief muscle spasm, feeling of tingling or interrupted speech problems.

Focal Symptoms

More specific focal symptoms also occur and can often be used to identify the location of the brain tumor. These include hearing ringing or buzzing sounds or complete hearing loss, decreased muscular control, lack of coordination, decreased sensation, weakness, difficulty with walking and speech, and double vision.

Mass Effect

Mass effect is caused by the increased pressure of the tumor. It swells the brain, causing it to accumulate a soft liquid. It can be observed by an eye doctor when he/she checks your eyes. When it develops, prompt treatment is required to avoid serious consequences.