Sunday 28 July 2013

Causes and Types of Gum Diseases

Do you feel some sort of sharp pain whenever you take a bite or shout loudly? Chances are, you have contracted some sort of gum disease. There are several different types of gum disease you could be affected by. Some types will naturally heal, others will require professional treatment. In this article, we have a look at the different types of gum disease and the causes for them. Get them treated as soon as possible before it is too late.

There are several causes of gum disease, some that are naturally inflicted and others that are inflicted by lifestyle choices. The most common causes include hormonal changes in your body, various illnesses, certain medications, unhealthy habits such as smoking, and poor oral hygiene. In terms of body hormonal changes, conditions such as puberty and pregnancy may have a secondary effect on your gum tissues. The changes in various chemical balances could cause your gum tissues to become more sensitive. Therefore, it is easier for gum diseases such as Gingivitis to develop.

Certain medications intended for other parts of the body can also have an effect. For example, some drugs may reduce the amount of saliva that is produced in your mouth. Saliva is seen as an important component of your oral health because it takes away any bacteria and viruses that are loitering about in your mouth. The higher the presence of bacteria, the more likely it is for you to get infected.

Smoking is definitely a habit you should avoid at all times. Not only is it bad for your lungs, it also does huge damage to your teeth and gums. Activities such as smoking makes it difficult for your gum tissues to repair itself. Therefore, this increases the likelihood of infection since there is greater exposure on your internal tissues.

You can normally tell when you contract gum disease by noticing the following symptoms. Bleeding gum, swollen gum, bad breath (no matter how well you maintain your teeth and tongue), and loose teeth are all signs of gum disease. There are two common types that people normally contract. The first type is Gingivitis. This is when your gum tissues start to be affected by a process called inflammation. It usually causes a lot of irritation, rather than huge pains, in the mouth. It is highly recommended that you treat this disease as soon as it is diagnosed. The best way to tackle it is to maintain proper oral health.

The second type of gum disease is known as Periodontal disease. This is considered to be the 'second' stage of Gingivitis. Hence, a lot more serious than previous conditions. Basically, those who are affected by Periodontal disease start to have their gum tissues pull away from their teeth. You may notice your teeth becoming a lot more loose than before. Unfortunately, this will have huge consequences because your body tissues are more exposed to bacteria and virus cells.

Another common condition to look out for is mouth ulcer. The best way to prevent any of these situations from occurring is to simply maintain great oral health.

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