Sunday 28 July 2013

Information on Different Types of Diabetes

Information on Different Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which your blood-glucose levels are higher than normal. Every human being gets glucose from food. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar level. Insulin helps glucose to enter into your cells to give energy. Without insulin glucose can't move into your cells, and it is build-up in the blood stream. Due to this blood glucose level is higher than the normal in diabetic patients. It is caused due to insulin resistance or insufficient insulin secretion. Classic symptoms of sugar disease include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger,etc., It can be classified in to three broad categories: They are Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes

It is called by different names. They are diabetes type one, T1DM, Insulin Dependent Diabetes, or juvenile diabetes. Type one results from auto immune destruction of insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. Lack of insulin hormone leads to increased blood and urine glucose levels. As the human body is unable to synthesis this glucose for energy, it leads to the symptoms of type 1 diabetes. Type one sugar disease should be treated with insulin, and it is administered as subcutaneous injection. Other forms of insulin administration available in the market include insulin pumps and inhaled insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes

It is the most common type, also called as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes. This type is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. Absence or insufficient production of insulin leads to type two diabetes. It is mainly due to the combination of genetics and lifestyle factors. This type is increasingly common due to obesity and lack of physical activity. Though there is no cure for type 2, it can be controlled by medicines and adopting healthy lifestyle factors. Patients with diabetes need to check their blood-sugar level periodically.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of sugar disease affecting pregnant women. It is a condition where women without previous diagnosis of diabetes exhibit high blood sugar levels. It usually develops in the second trimester of pregnancy. Hormonal changes and weight gain are part of healthy pregnancy. In this type, women are producing the correct amount of insulin. However, increased levels of certain hormones made in the placenta makes your cells less responsive to insulin. It is necessary to monitor and control your glucose levels to keep your baby healthy. Your physician can give you correct directions.

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