Wednesday 24 July 2013


The Essence of Human Development

Human Biology was founded at the Stanford University in 1970. It is considered as an interdisciplinary field of medicine, nutrition, biological anthropology and biology, focusing in humans. It can be associated with primate biology as well as several other fields.

Human development, on the other hand, deals with the process of growing to maturity. Biologically, this pertains to the growth from one-celled zygotes to adult human beings. The development begins, as we all know, with fertilization wherein the male gamete or sperm cell as well as the female gamete or the oocyte fuse actually gives rise to a diploid cell or the zygote. This would refer to the 3 stages such as the zygote, embryo and the fetus.

In modern medicine, pregnancy is characterized as the process wherein the fertilized zygote is implanted inside the woman's uterus, embedding on the endometrium or uterus lining. This will form a placenta, serving as the channel for the receiving of nutrients via the wall of the uterus. This is the umbilical cord of a newborn child, signifying the remnants of the implantation.

After this, the zygote will undergo rapid mitotic divisions having no significant growth (this process is referred to as cleavage) as well as cellular differentiation which will lead to the development of the embryo. Childbirth is a process wherein the baby is born. For many, it is regarded as the start of a person's life. In fact, in most cultures, the age is relative to this process.

The Physical Stages of One's Existence

There are different terms related to the age for the physical development. This would include the approximate age that ranges from many different terms.

Prenatal is from fertilization to birth (from embryo to fetus stages). A child is that from birth to toddler years (from newborn or neonate to pre-pubescence or primary school age). Puberty and adolescence are the teenage years (from 13 up to 19 years old). An adult is from 20 years old to death (from young adult to senior citizen or advanced adult stages).

Death occurs at different ages, usually depending on the person (this is the stage of decomposition or the body's breakdown after death). The heart stops beating and all the other organs stop functioning.

Factors Affecting the Parent's Desire to know their Unborn Child's Sex

Most parents feel the urge to know the sex of their unborn child immediately. One good reason is so that they can already prepare themselves. This can range to the things they will be buying for the baby or to prepare themselves psychologically and emotionally on the child's future.

Other reasons include conceiving accidentally, not planning to breastfeed, finding out the child's sex in a prior pregnancy, the influence of sex on futuristic childbearing plans, specific parental preference for the child's sex and the plans for renovation or moving associated with the wanting to learn the child's sex.

Studies show that both socioeconomic and demographic factors really affect a parent's desire to know the sex of their unborn child. The ones who prefer to know this are the ones with a lower socioeconomic status. Hence, at this point, the best way to determine the sex of an unborn child is through prenatal ultrasound examinations.

Another common reason is to be able to come up with the baby's name. Parents think about it carefully, wanting it to be very meaningful, for the child will carry the name for the rest of his life.

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