Saturday 24 August 2013

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is an immunodeficiency disease; in short it is a severe condition that deteriorates the body's immunity power

� Acquired means you can get infected with it;

� Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the body that struggles against diseases.

� Syndrome means a collection of health troubles that create a disease.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV or AIDS virus) gradually but definitely bothers the immune system. As HIV progressively troubles cells, body grows into more prone to illness.

HIV has two key groups: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1, which at present has approximately 10 subtypes, is most common worldwide. However HIV-2 is less powerful.

The virus includes a number of abnormal and ruthless infections, cancers and incapacitating illnesses, which result into weight loss and several diseases that affect central nervous system and the brain.

There are 3 ways through which AIDS can be transmitted, those are:-

� The most ordinary form of transmission is transfer of body discharges via sexual contact.

� Blood products can also spread AIDS, most likely during the sharing of infected needles and syringes.

� Also can be transmitted from an infected Mother to her fetus.

AIDS/HIV cannot be transmitted by sharing things or by touching someone, or through sneezing and coughing. Although it is not safe to share a razor as it can transfer the infected blood through small nick one person to another.

There are various symptoms to identify AIDS at an early stage, which are as follows:-

� Quick weight loss from an unidentified cause

� Excessive fatigue

� Swollen glands in the neck and armpits

� Shortness of breath followed by a dry cough

� Constant diarrhea

� Discontinuous fever

� Emergence of purple spots on skin, inside the mouth

� Pale covering on the tongue and throat

� Confusion, Lack of memory, and deterioration of mental state.

� Vision troubles

Presently, AIDS is not curable. However, through drugs AIDS virus can be slow down

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