Tuesday 20 August 2013

Parkinson's Dementia: Symptoms and Medications Available For Treating This Disease

Parkinson's dementia is one of the symptoms that are found in those who suffer with Parkinson's disease.

It is a condition that affects the brain and physical movement. The symptoms of Parkinson's disease are numerous, some can be dealt with accordingly whilst others have no know prevention method.

Some symptoms of Parkinson's are;

Noticeable tremor
Stiffness of limbs
Decreased movement ability
Balance disruption
Coordination problems
Walking with a limp or shuffle
Slurred speech
Difficulties with expressions of the face
Difficulties when swallowing
Posture problems

The symptoms of Parkinson's disease do get worse with time. Some people start to notice that they feel slightly depressed, this depression can occur as result of problems that arise due to the disease. These other problems could be lack of sex drive, irregular sleep patterns or changes to your behavior.

Parkinson's dementia is not commonly seen in patients until they reach the age of 50. Some people may experience the loss of 2 cognitive brain functions. This however is extreme and is not likely to happen in early Parkinson's.

It is estimated that there are 500,000 diagnosed cases of Parkinson's in the United States, roughly 40,000 new cases are diagnosed yearly. The number of patients who suffer with Parkinson's dementia is unknown, but it is estimated that 30 % of Parkinson's sufferers have mild dementia.

Although scientists have suggested that Parkinson's dementia is not a problem in those under 50, in some cases dementia can affect those under the age of 40. Dementia in those under 50 is rare and it most likely to occur as the disease progresses over time..�

Some medicines used for Parkinson's disease are:

Glutamate antagonists
COMT and MAO-B inhibitors

In some cases the doctor may suggest, other treatments such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy. The therapists for these treatments will be able to give you advice on techniques and equipment that you are likely to benefit from.

Research continues to take place, scientist are searching for a way to effectively combat the signs of Parkinson's. In the future medicines may be advanced enough to combat brain function decline. This would benefit many people, and provide them with the peace of mind that they will not have to be a burden on their friends and family.

Possible prevention of Parkinson's disease could occur as a result of a healthy balanced diet and exercise. If you are particularly worried about Parkinson's dementia try to keep your mind active, by doing word puzzles or reading.

If you think you are experiencing the symptoms of Parkinson's disease seek medical advice. Proper action should be taken to ensure any future problems will be manageable. You have a right to be involved in the decisions regarding your care. Always share your thought with your doctor or care giver.

No cure for Parkinson's dementia is available at present. Medications are provided to suit the individuals needs, if the symptoms are severe there may be limitations as to what a medication will do.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 37. My father had it, so I don't know if it's my luck or heredity. My first problem was fine motor skills, especially writing. After five years of waiting, I saw a neurologist who confirmed my fears. I was immediately started on Sinemet. All of this was 22 years ago. I will be 59 in a few days. I have had good luck with the Sinemet and other meds like Mirapex, but I was extremely tired of it. I have also noticed cognitive decline, but that is also related to a now-removed brain tumor.i had to look for an alternative treatment. I read in a health forum of a herbal clinic in Johannesburg who has a successful treatment to P.D, i immediately contacted the herbal clinic via their website (www.Healthherbalclinic.weebly.com) and purchased the parkinson's herbal formula. I received the parkinson's herbal treatment via courier and immediately commenced usage, i only used the herbal remedy for 7 weeks all my symptoms were unbelievably reversed, i did another series of test i was confirmed free of parkinson's. Visit (www.healthherbalclinic.weebly.com) or email (healthherbalclinic@gmail.com)
