Friday 23 August 2013

Understanding the Basic Facts of Sexually Transmitted Diseases - HIV-AIDS

Understanding the Basic Facts of Sexually Transmitted Diseases - HIV-AIDS

If you are a mature guy, you should have the basic knowledge regarding sexually transmitted diseases HIV AIDS. The STD has now become very severe problem to human beings. Every year myriad people have to go to different STD clinics for undergoing clinical tests for the early detection of sexually transmitted diseases HIV AIDS. There are other different sorts of STDs like Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.

If you review carefully and attentively the feedback and the medical reports of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention center, every year 15 million STD related cases are registered in America. According to the experts and medical practitioners, generally over 25 different types of diseases are transformed into the human bodies through the physical attachment or sexual involvement.

A recent survey which was conducted by a team of healthcare consultants and experts has proved that teens are severely affected by a number of sexually transmitted diseases like genital herpes, hepatitis B, trichomoniasis and vaginal infection. People should take the appropriate measure to prevent the onset of the sexually transmitted diseases HIV AIDS. If a pregnant woman is infected by STD or HIV, she must go to the doctor for getting medical backup. In actuality, the baby will catch the sexually transmitted disease through his mom as she has already been attacked by STD or HIV.

Human Papilloma Virus is very destructive and lethal sexually transmitted disease which causes cervical cancer. It also does a lot of damage and harm to the reproductive cells of the females. Though, doctors prescribe few medications for giving relief to the patients who suffer from HPV, there is no particular drug or therapy which can fully terminate this sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, you must take proper action to protect your body from this incurable disease. Try to avoid multiple sexual affairs. This type of sexual activity is not healthy sign and it will speed up the entry of the STD related diseases into bodies of human beings.

Recently, researchers have launched new vaccine to check the HPV infection. Doctors advise that if you want to prevent sexually transmitted HIV AIDS, you must use condom at the time of copulation or physical attachment. If your partner is affected by HIV or AIDS, you should not have sex with her. You must not use needles which have already been used by the HIV or AIDS affected patients. HIV can be spread through male to male, lady to lady, men to woman and woman to man via different modes of sexual activities like anal sex.

It is really dangerous to delay in treatment once you suspect having any form of sexually transmitted diseases.

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